So close!

Friday, February 3, 2012
Okay, I don't want to come off as that annoying weight loss person, but I am a little frustrated too so I thought I should vent and what better venue than a blog right??? I am presently one pound away from a pretty big milestone in my weight loss. ONE MORE POUND and I will have lost 50 pounds since September! I decided once I started approaching the big 5-0 mark that I would need to celebrate with a little pampering (not food related!!) I decided that I would like to go get a mani/pedi to celebrate my success, but this last pound is absolutely, positively, REFUSING to go away, grrrrr. I don't know if it's mental or physical or what, but I've hit a wall. ANYWAY, yay for being 49 pounds healthier and maybe I'll go get that mani/pedi tomorrow regardless and let my body/brain catch up next week.

Ringing in 2012

Saturday, December 31, 2011
A friend and fellow-blogger posted her New Year's Resolution a few days ago (early, how ambitious is she?!) and it got me thinking of the goals I'd like to set for myself this coming year.

1. Get married to the love of my life!
Okay, this one is kind of a gimmie, but I cannot put into words how much I am looking forward to marrying Matthew. He has been such an essential part of my life for the past seven and a half years and I am so ready to stand up in front of our friends and family and make the strongest commitment of love that we can and begin our journey together as husband and wife. And then party our socks off!! Okay enough of that mushy stuff!

2. Get fit!
Again, how cliche' to have a weight related resolution, but for reals yall. With wedding dress hanging in the closet and hundreds of pictures looming in the near future I am mid- weight loss program and down 40lbs with about that many more to go. It has by no means been easy, but I could certainly be doing more. Sticking to my diet and being honest with myself when I don't. Making the effort to exercise everyday. And being a healthier, happier me not just for one day in July, but for my future.

3. Get happy.
In general I consider myself to be a pretty happy gal. I have family that loves me like crazy (and are crazy), friends that are loyal and loving, the aforementioned amazing hubs to be and a ridiculously cute dog. I need to quit stressing about the small stuff. I need to quit taking things that happen or that people say to heart. I need to make time for me and mine. I know I will only be that much better off in the end.

So that's my three for 2012. I am excited for the celebrations and challenges that I know this year will undoubtedly hold and I wish you all a happy/wonderful/fun/joyful/healthy/loving 2012!

It's beginning to feel a lot like FALL

Saturday, October 22, 2011
I hope you sang that title. I definitely was in my head. Fall has finally arrived in South Texas and the weather has been cooperating every few days or so. I cannot believe that October is almost over already! Last weekend Matty and I made the trek up to Dallas and took our engagement pictures with our friend Brent and his lovely wifey Lauren assisting. Even though we are goofy and kind of awkward and not into PDA at all, I think we got some really fun shots and am super excited to see how they turned out. We even snuck Mollie in on a few shots, the little ham. After our afternoon photo sesh we quickly changed and then drove up to Colleyville for our friends Sarah and Sean's wedding. They were adorably over the moon the entire evening and it made me even more excited for the day that I'll be the one up there saying my vows to become Mrs. Davis. Also, I'm absolutely jealous that the new Mr. and Mrs. West are lounging it up on my fave island, Maui. Enjoy guys, y'all definitely deserve it.

In less envious news, this next weekend Matthew and I will continue one of my favorite fall traditions, our annual visit to the Texas Renaissance Festival in Todd Mission. We made sure to plan our visit for one of the more exciting theme weekends because somehow we always end up going on the lame ones like Roman Bacchanal (sp?) or Viking Invasion. This year we are going for Halloween for the first time and I am super excited! We'll see if Matt gets chosen for another starring role in the Dead Bob Show this year. He hopes not, but I thought it was so cool!

And in more personal new, back in September I started a weight loss plan. Again. But for real this time. Because with less than a year until we tie the knot, I want to look back and be happy with how I look in our wedding pictures and not cringe at them. So I bit the bullet (and forked over quite a bit of money, yeesh) and now a little over a month into my program I'm down.... 22 lbs. Yay! Still have about five months to go and lots more lbs, but it's nice feel my clothes fitting baggy and buying a size smaller. With wedding dress shopping looming on the horizon I am happy with my progress so far. I had thought that I didn't really want to go public with the weight issue, but I think it does help to hold me accountable. Just like having Matt around to make sure I don't break down and eat a cookie. or icecream. or pizza.

Take a Breather

Saturday, September 3, 2011
Whew! In the past month, Matt and I have moved out of one horrible apartment and into a much much nicer home. While we were busy packing and moving homes, I was busy moving into my new/old classroom (same room as last year). Luckily my mom came down to give me a hand in setting things up. I went with a bug theme because I resurrected some really cute insect border and each table is a different bug. From what I have seen so far, this year's group is very different from the last, not better or worse, just different. I think it helps too that I am establishing myself and my expectations from the start and not coming in mid-year.

On the home front, we spent an entire day finishing up the loose ends at our old place and then cleaning and organizing our new home so that we could have friends over. The new place has so much going for it! Our neighbors were involved in a late night verbal altercation the first week we were here and we thought, "oh no, here we go again" but I simply called the office and left a message for the on-site courtesy officer and lo and behold he arrived within five minutes and played mediator with those two rowdy rascals. The next day the office called to apologize for the inconvenience and even a few days later when I went in to pick up a package they thanked me for reporting the incident. I LOVE competence! The community holds get togethers like bible studies and art classes each week and even hands out granola bars for breakfast some mornings! The grounds are well kept and people are nothing but friendly to us. Can you tell how much we love it?! I'll post pictures on fb to give you the tour soon, but for now just imagine the place as heavenly.

In other news, I have been out of the loop of wedding planning, but when we received a shipment of our wedding fans and cocktail napkins I got excited to get back into the swing of things. I think I have found a few dress shops in the area that I will try first within the next few months. I contacted our photographer and cake lady and hair and make-up crew and think I may have found an even better videographer today. So I feel like wedding plans are coming along nicely. Matt's parents are on a mission to find us a great rehearsal dinner spot and I think our guest list is right at where we need it to be.

Well, that's all that has been going on as of late. We have a busy fall coming up with wedding showers and weddings (for other friends) and our annual Renaissance Festival visit as well as all my school stuff. I hope this long awaited fall weather arrives very soon.

Eventful Summer

Monday, August 1, 2011
Just took a look back at my summer to-do list and boy-o have I gotten some things accomplished!

Matt and I are engaged!!! (Okay, sorry, it's just fun typing that) We have our venue booked, food taken care of, leads on photographer, cakes and flowers and tons of ideas floating around in my head and are so ready to be married. Some of our wonderful friends have agreed to be in our wedding and we got to show our family the venue and they loved it so I feel like things are going well on the wedding planning front.

In other news, I officially have a teaching job for next year and while there are a lot of changes going on at our school I could not be happier to be headed back to the classroom! I've already attended one week-long teaching workshop and have another one coming up in a few weeks. I'm also signed up to take my ESL certification test in October so that's another check off my list.

We signed our lease yesterday for our brand spanking new apartment and are so so so excited to move out of the hell hole that is our current apartment. We have already planned out where all our furniture will be going and have picked out some sweet new stuff from my fave store, IKEA. I have been making weekly trips to Goodwill to get rid of all the excess stuff we've crammed into our little place and we have stacks of boxes just waiting to be filled. Sadly we won't officially move in until the 13th, but at least we will have big strong movers to haul all this stuff up to the second floor.

So in conclusion, I just feel very blessed that everything is falling into place and am ready to start off on this next facet of my life.


Saturday, June 11, 2011
Happy summer my dears! I am almost through my first full week of summer vacation and contemplating whether or not to even bother with a summer job. On my to do list (so far) this summer is:
  • getting my ESL certification and my Art certification to make myself more marketable as a teacher
  • clearing out paperwork, clothing and clutter from my life before we move at the end of August
  • finding a new home that will be a million times better than where we are now
  • finding a teaching job
  • and last but not least a week-long vacay in sunny Destin, Florida!!! So excited!!!

Mind-numbing Survey Time!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Favorite color? right now plum.

Favorite restaurant? ha ha Chick-fil-and McAlisters

Favorite snack? cream cheese, raspberry chipotle and wheat thins

Favorite hair style? The easy one that looks good.

Favorite jelly bean flavor? root beer

Favorite website? ; ;

Favorite item of clothing: anything cute and comfy, be it a dress or pjs

Pepsi or Coke? Coke

Chocolate or vanilla? Vanilla cake, chocolate ice cream

TV or Books? TV junkie, but I do read before bed every night and am in LOVE with my new Kindle.

Staying in or going out? I'm a stay at home girl, but do enjoy the occasional night out.

High school friends or college friends? College friends are much better friends for the most part

nail polish or natural? I like nails with polish best but am OCD about chips so I usually go without

art or sports? I love both, so there with your judging ways

left or right handed? righty

odd socks or matching ones? matching of course!

tea or coffee? Tea

hot or cold? cold weather!

Favorite country? Germany :)

Dessert: can I say all of the above? Carrot cake is up there as are warm doughy cookies

Girl's name: Emma

Boy's name: Gage

Fizzy drink: straight up Cole or wild cherry Pepsi

What makes you happy? the bf, my kick butt friends, my goofy family, my wild child dog

What makes you sad? failure, mean people, the state of education and parenting today

What annoys you? dirty dishes, a messy house (are you sensing a theme here) adults who act childishly, children who don't listen

What makes you sleepy? cool weather and rain, also not getting enough sleep

What makes you hungry? meal times or really delicious food pictures/descriptions/flashbacks

Describe your ideal mate: Well you know what he looks like, but why I love him is he supports me, tells me he loves me about a million times a day, goes out of his way to make my day better, makes me laugh everyday, cries with me and for me, believes in me, and so much more :)

Are they smart or silly? Crazy smart, but a total goofball

Have you ever punched someone? No, I've wanted to, but that would hurt my hand wouldn't it

What word or phrase do you use way too much? I'd have to ask someone else

What job do you have? Substitute teacher

What job do you want? Teacher

Where are you? At home

Wearing any jewelry? Aggie ring (natch) and diamond earrings from mine and Matt's first V-day

Are you spontaneous? rarely

If you could hug anyone right now who would it be? Daddy George

Are you allergic to anything? Either steroids or poison ivy, still not sure which

If you could do one thing for the world what would it be? wow, world peace?

When have you been the happiest so far in your life? I'd say the past year or so

Thanks for sharing.

P.S. I'm so annoyed by typos I edited this entire survey. You're welcome.