Mind-numbing Survey Time!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Favorite color? right now plum.

Favorite restaurant? ha ha Chick-fil-and McAlisters

Favorite snack? cream cheese, raspberry chipotle and wheat thins

Favorite hair style? The easy one that looks good.

Favorite jelly bean flavor? root beer

Favorite website? etsy.com ; hyperboleandahalf.com ; theknot.com

Favorite item of clothing: anything cute and comfy, be it a dress or pjs

Pepsi or Coke? Coke

Chocolate or vanilla? Vanilla cake, chocolate ice cream

TV or Books? TV junkie, but I do read before bed every night and am in LOVE with my new Kindle.

Staying in or going out? I'm a stay at home girl, but do enjoy the occasional night out.

High school friends or college friends? College friends are much better friends for the most part

nail polish or natural? I like nails with polish best but am OCD about chips so I usually go without

art or sports? I love both, so there with your judging ways

left or right handed? righty

odd socks or matching ones? matching of course!

tea or coffee? Tea

hot or cold? cold weather!

Favorite country? Germany :)

Dessert: can I say all of the above? Carrot cake is up there as are warm doughy cookies

Girl's name: Emma

Boy's name: Gage

Fizzy drink: straight up Cole or wild cherry Pepsi

What makes you happy? the bf, my kick butt friends, my goofy family, my wild child dog

What makes you sad? failure, mean people, the state of education and parenting today

What annoys you? dirty dishes, a messy house (are you sensing a theme here) adults who act childishly, children who don't listen

What makes you sleepy? cool weather and rain, also not getting enough sleep

What makes you hungry? meal times or really delicious food pictures/descriptions/flashbacks

Describe your ideal mate: Well you know what he looks like, but why I love him is he supports me, tells me he loves me about a million times a day, goes out of his way to make my day better, makes me laugh everyday, cries with me and for me, believes in me, and so much more :)

Are they smart or silly? Crazy smart, but a total goofball

Have you ever punched someone? No, I've wanted to, but that would hurt my hand wouldn't it

What word or phrase do you use way too much? I'd have to ask someone else

What job do you have? Substitute teacher

What job do you want? Teacher

Where are you? At home

Wearing any jewelry? Aggie ring (natch) and diamond earrings from mine and Matt's first V-day

Are you spontaneous? rarely

If you could hug anyone right now who would it be? Daddy George

Are you allergic to anything? Either steroids or poison ivy, still not sure which

If you could do one thing for the world what would it be? wow, world peace?

When have you been the happiest so far in your life? I'd say the past year or so

Thanks for sharing.

P.S. I'm so annoyed by typos I edited this entire survey. You're welcome.


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