Take a Breather

Saturday, September 3, 2011
Whew! In the past month, Matt and I have moved out of one horrible apartment and into a much much nicer home. While we were busy packing and moving homes, I was busy moving into my new/old classroom (same room as last year). Luckily my mom came down to give me a hand in setting things up. I went with a bug theme because I resurrected some really cute insect border and each table is a different bug. From what I have seen so far, this year's group is very different from the last, not better or worse, just different. I think it helps too that I am establishing myself and my expectations from the start and not coming in mid-year.

On the home front, we spent an entire day finishing up the loose ends at our old place and then cleaning and organizing our new home so that we could have friends over. The new place has so much going for it! Our neighbors were involved in a late night verbal altercation the first week we were here and we thought, "oh no, here we go again" but I simply called the office and left a message for the on-site courtesy officer and lo and behold he arrived within five minutes and played mediator with those two rowdy rascals. The next day the office called to apologize for the inconvenience and even a few days later when I went in to pick up a package they thanked me for reporting the incident. I LOVE competence! The community holds get togethers like bible studies and art classes each week and even hands out granola bars for breakfast some mornings! The grounds are well kept and people are nothing but friendly to us. Can you tell how much we love it?! I'll post pictures on fb to give you the tour soon, but for now just imagine the place as heavenly.

In other news, I have been out of the loop of wedding planning, but when we received a shipment of our wedding fans and cocktail napkins I got excited to get back into the swing of things. I think I have found a few dress shops in the area that I will try first within the next few months. I contacted our photographer and cake lady and hair and make-up crew and think I may have found an even better videographer today. So I feel like wedding plans are coming along nicely. Matt's parents are on a mission to find us a great rehearsal dinner spot and I think our guest list is right at where we need it to be.

Well, that's all that has been going on as of late. We have a busy fall coming up with wedding showers and weddings (for other friends) and our annual Renaissance Festival visit as well as all my school stuff. I hope this long awaited fall weather arrives very soon.


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